Introduction :
RoboBend is developed by Factobotics. It replaces and automates the process of operating the bending machines placed in almost all metal processing companies around the world. A process, which is already identified by many companies as a “would like to automate” process. Application scope is 1.5 million bending machines globally. RoboBbend:
- Fully automates the manual handling of any brand of press brake
- Mobile, flexible and standard – easy to install and use
- Short payback time and low risk (easy to calculate the business case)
Customer pain :
The challenges companies doing machine handling manually (with human operators), are facing:
- Lack of people that are interested in working in the industry (the people that are working in the production companies are getting older in average) – and the companies therefore wants to use the people they have for more sophisticated operations. The bending operations are among the most simple operations
- The job is very boring – and for that reason the efficiency on the machines are low – with higher batch orders, it gets below 50%
- It is repeated and hard work – the companies improves the working conditions if to let people do other jobs
- A need to improve the production efficiency – and safe money on these relatively simple operations (for a human being)
The solution :
RoboBend is an all-in one robotic solution ready to be installed and consist of following main components:
- The robot arm (industry standard) – that picks the metal pieces, inserts and puts the finished items away
- The feeder – where the metal pieces are stored and delivered on a small conveyor to be picked by the arm
- The machine interface that makes sure the robot communicates and commands the bending machine
- The force sensor resistor – that secures high tolerances on the bending work to be done
- The user interface – made easy to use and program up new pieces (very short setup time)
The technology :
RoboBend is an all-in one robotic solution ready to be installed and consist of following main components:
- The robot arm (industry standard) – that picks the metal pieces, inserts and puts the finished items away
- The feeder – where the metal pieces are stored and delivered on a small conveyor to be picked by the arm
- The machine interface that makes sure the robot communicates and commands the bending machine
- The force sensor resistor – that secures high tolerances on the bending work to be done
- The user interface – made easy to use and program up new pieces (very short setup time)
The market potential :
RoboBend can serve most of the1.5 million bending machines placed around in the metal processing companies world wide.
For especially SME companies that are nervous investing into robotics (high risk that it does not work well enough and people have the skills to use it) a standard solution robot is the same as investing into a machine, where it is easy to calculate where it can be used, how it will perform and the bottom line result it creates. RoboBend opens up to the large SME market in the traditional industry.
That RoboBend can handle most bending machines and is mobile also means it will be easy to move the robot around and use it even when the company wants to make production setup changes – or if needed sell the robot and have most of the investments back again. Very low risk – and a strong sales argument for the companies, that have short termed production orders
Thomas Solupajev-Ronlev
+370 685 35 145