On the 3rd – 5th of March, representatives of the Lithuanian Robotics Association have virtually participated at the biggest annual business conference – Lietuvos verslo forumas. Among more than 250 speakers and participants, the voice of the robotics community in Lithuania was heard well by thousands of online listeners.

At the beginning of the Forum, a member of our Board Justinas Katkus (Factobotics) provided a keynote speech focusing on the transformative nature of robotics in our everyday lives. From collaborative robots to humanoids, he emphasized that the future is unimaginable without the assistance of robots in nearly every aspect of our lives.

On the 4th of March, a big panel of robotics professionals was moderated by the CEO of Association Daumantas Simėnas who has presented our main activity areas and services provided, as well as shed a light on the main trends shaping the robotics scene both locally and abroad. He was joined by Board members Aurelijus Beleckis (Elinta Robotics) and Thomas Ronlev (Factobotics) who have both presented successful business cases of industrial automation in Lithuania (Teltonika EMS) and Denmark (Tool Denmark).

The panel was concluded with a discussion during which the speakers were joined by the representatives of our most recent members – Evaldas Pabrėža from Integrated Optics and Osvaldas Putkis from Neurotechnology. Altogether have agreed on one thing – industry automation with robotic solutions is important for companies willing to catch up with the latest tendencies of Industry 4.0. Moreover, it is getting more evident that companies united by the Lithuanian robotics association are able to provide top-notch solutions to industries in Lithuania and abroad. Povilas Mikalainis, Director of technology at Teltonika EMS has agreed that the solutions installed by Elinta Robotics helped the company strengthen its positions in the highly competitive field of the electronic components industry.

Another point emphasized during the discussion was that standard robots are getting more and more accessible by smaller companies, too. Example of Tool Denmark, where the world’s first standardized bending robot cell RoboBend, developed by Factobotics, was installed. It gives hope to small and medium businesses to which process automation is also crucial.

The bottomline is clear – robots of all kinds are more accessible to industries than ever and its efficiency-increasing benefits are indisputable and even highlighted by the current situation of a global pandemic. During it, more companies were willing to robotize since it helps lessen the unnecessary human contact in the workplace and reduce the risk of further spread of the virus. It also allows companies continue their processess even in the case of employees’ sickness.

On the last day of the Forum, Mantas Eidukevičius, manager of audits provided by our Association, hosted a webinar that let companies get a fast digital snapshot. In other words, a quick way for companies to understand the opportunities for robotics and automation in their premises. Find all recordings of the three-day conference and listen to our speakers here.